For Companies
I enable the upgrade of organizational architecture, culture and group dynamics blending solutions from my Tool-Belt of instruments and models.
For Individuals
I accompany individuals through lifestyle-design, business coaching, overcoming inner blockages and distilling their purpose.
I see, and dedicate my support to an emerging paradigm shift in organizational architecture, culture and social dynamics towards rapidly adaptive, highly productive and internally motivated distributed and autonomous clusters of teams made up of self reflective and constantly evolving individuals, collectively driven by; and united around; a meaningful company purpose and values that serve and contribute to the well-being of the World in powerfully impact-full ways.
This phenomenon refers to the shift into ''New Work'' and what Frederic Lalaoux calls ''Teal Organizations''. Many authors are documenting, heralding and inventing this revolution as it happens.
I find my place within the movement of organizations that in this time in History are on a pathway to re-invent leadership, management, success indicators, concepts of value, ownership, power, conflict, wealth, security and responsibility and outperform preexisting models while revolutionizing whole industries and markets. They cultivate conscious and humane work environments and are multi-stakeholder oriented and steered. They are in tune with the technological and generational shift at the workplace and may be acting locally but are thinking globally.
Change of Human Behavior is where beautiful and inspiring theories and intentions crash into the perplexing complexity of Real Life. There are many models that help explain so much but very few solutions enable real transformation of day-to-day behavior, habits, beliefs, emotions and worldviews.
For 10 years have traveled and explored the fringes of what social technologies exist today that deal with critical meta-topics such as: power, money, community, time, transcendence and shadow. I experienced what some of them actually feel like in practice and their effects in Real Life on individuals and groups. I tested and applied solutions and models on myself and organizations I worked in or consulted and derived my own conclusions about the opportunities of intentionally leading Change in these times. I share further those few "solutions" that I experienced creating last palpable transformation and deeply meaningful life changes.
Here are some of the more common formats I deliver. The tools which I combine to implement these formats are in the Tool-Belt section below.
- Assessment of the organization
- Training programs
- Structural design or redesign
- Leadership training and Possibility Coaching
- Conflict transformation
- Community building
- Strategy formulation
Get in touch with me if I touched your interest. The first coaching or consulting session is a gift, free of charge and obligation. After getting to know each-other we can discuss price and collaboration. Find my email address in the Contact section.
From a decade's worth of experiences with Organizational Evolution and Entrepreneurship I have put together a Rubik's Cube of possible ingredients.
"Through transformational trainings, Possibility Management offers modern initiation work into adulthood."
"Deep Democracy has been applied to all sorts of conflicts including terrorism, revolution, diversity issues of all sorts, economic problems, school conflict, climate change, large corporation tensions, government leadership questions etc."
"A learning journey for those that are seeking to marry purpose with livelihood."
"A systemic design process, a philosophy and a methodological framework, for the realization of collaborative and sustainable projects, organisations and platforms"
"Designing a society which uses energy and materials with greater efficiency, distributes wealth fairly and strives to eliminate the concept of waste"
"Permaculture is a set of design principles centered around whole systems thinking simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and resilient features observed in natural ecosystems."
Other Methodologies and tools that I work with:
- ORG.EMP - Organizational Evolutionary Management Program - (co-designed in The Stretch - link)
- Political Literacy Dojo - (my design - group process and intervention skills training)
- Political Dojo & Debate Agora - (my design - for healthy deliberation and political agreements in groups)
- Getting Things Done - (non certified but inspired by David Allen's GTD system)
- Participatory Facilitation
- Transition Training (certified by Transition Network)
- Possibility Coaching (Applying the Possibilities Management Game-world)
- Open Space Technology (by Harrison Owen - site)
- World Cafe (by Juanita Brown and David Isaacs)
- Impact Entrepreneurship
- Empowered Relationship with Money (based on Empowered Fundraising as thought in Dragon Dreaming by John Croft)
- Non Violent Communication (by Marshal Rosenberg)
- Theater of the Oppressed (Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Augusto Boal)
- The Work that Reconnects (Deep Ecology by Joanna Macy)
- Water Retention Landscape Design (applied Sepp Holzer Permaculture models as thought in Tamera Healing Biotope)
- Spiral Dynamics Integral (Don Edward Beck and Ken Wilber)
- Forum (group process technology inspired by formats used in ZEGG, Tamera and Sieben Linden)
Advisory Note
The work that my colleagues and I do is most often highly engaging, innerly moving and very new for most beneficiaries. The tools, system and methods mostly involve experiential learning and trigger real change that may be, at first, challenging at both personal and institutional levels. In order for such a transformation to happen there must be real open-mindedness and a genuine desire for change with 'buy-in' both from the 'top' and the 'bottom' of your organization. With this attitude the challenge of change becomes an adventure of discovery.
''The use of natural history is to give us aid in supernatural history: the use of the outer creation, to give us language for the beings and changes of the inward creation.''
Ralph Waldo Emerson
2019 to present
The Urban Hub for Ethical Entrepreneurs and the Change-makers Ecosystem. The Legacy is 3 things: an Urban Community Garden and Sustainable Tech Showcase Site, Lab for Transformative Educational Programs, Co-Working space for Ethical Entrepreneurs and Change-makers.
The Stretch Consultancy
2018 to present
We are a European boutique for designing, consulting, coaching, mentoring, training, hosting, facilitating, supporting organizations in transition and transformation.
We offer a wide array of services aimed supporting the evolution of societal structures by means of catalyzing individuals as a driving force of agency. - Education for Wholeness
2016 to present
We design tailor made programs for more human organizations. The emerging edge in organizational practice, culture forging and power of results.
SEOC - Sociocracy 3.0 Empowering Organizational Capacity
2015 - 2018
In 2015, I dreamt up, designed and applied for E+ funding for SEOC. Since then its fruits touched several dozens of organizations and hundreds of change-makers.
Terra Livre - The Forest has No Boundries
2013 to present
In my heart I have always been an Earth Guardian. I fund-raise, train and build organizational capacity and network for Terra Livre which exists for the conservation and regeneration of endangered worldwide natural landscapes.
Other Projects
2010 to present
I initiated and co-initiated: The Legacy | Bucharest, The Stretch Consultancy, Nested Bungalow Gardens, SEOC, Ecosophy Network, Communities Convergence, Community Tours, The Gift Economy Network, Youth Rejuvenating Community, 4 Years Go Romania (Pachamama Romania).
I have been a co-creator in: Arise Education, Aurora Community, Aurora Circle,, the SIRCLe project, Asociatia Romania in Tranzitie, Transition Hubs Network.
The Trail Blazed
I was born in Iasi in 1987 and grew up in the '90s in post-communist Romania experiencing the wild meltdown of a society in a transition between a dictatorship and a so called free market democracy. It was for me a first hand experience of a crumbling system through dysfunctional governance, power greedy 'elites' and a society under shock and distrust, deeply hurting and profoundly lacking a capacity to enact positive change.
This period of my life seeded within me an inner drive that has never ceased since: the unshakable wish to create real change in people and the world during my lifetime. It is for me a creative challenge, perhaps as old as the human journey on Earth and it has become my personal research question: how may we shape ourselves and our collective presence in order to honor the true potential of human life?
Driven by the search to understand 'What went wrong?' and 'What to do now?' I developed early on a fascination for history and through that aspects of the human story such as economics, politics, ethnography, anthropology, geopolitics, history of thought, philosophy, sociology, geography, psychology and spirituality.
I studied and hold a BA in Economic Sciences specialized in Management and Leadership Styles and an MA in Political Science in Comparative Politics (Central and Eastern European Politics and Societies).
During my student years, after happily failing to fit into a 'regular job' state of mind, I engaged with different NGOs and had a few clumsy attempts at entrepreneurship and starting community initiative groups. Luckily none of those worked, but through the efforts I stumbled upon a rabbit hole leading to a myriad of people, groups and solutions that have been making real change and yet nobody in mainstream society seemed to know they exist.
In 2012 I embarked on what was then an unplanned journey of seven years, travelling throughout Europe. I explored the edges and fringes in search of what else is possible and how differently can humans live and work together. I engaged with organizations, ecovillages, intentional communities and a whole ecosystem of projects and networks activating everywhere from large cities to off grid backwater autark settlements. I met people that create their own models and solutions. I found experiments, open questions, but also proven methods, systems and wisdom. I found shockingly effective and powerful solutions for so many issues impacting social, cultural, economic, political and ecological problems, but most of all I met myself along the way. My life changed forever once I had the taste of the living possibility of a deeply caring and consciously lead life together with others.
I was lucky and privileged to receive the support, guidance and friendship of so many people that I encountered on my journey. They were my key to personal transformation, renewal and empowerment so that I could undergo my own hero's journey of initiation.
Throughout that journey I found that I could be a facilitator and a trainer and finally found a way to put into practice ideas that previously were for me, only theories. I attended many trainings and educational programs throughout the 7 years and engaged actively in experimenting with what I was learning, so much so that I now consider it as my own self made 'higher education'.
As before, I tried my hand by joining and initiating projects, community groups, enterprises and networks and learned by doing. Throughout the successes, failures and adventures I decided to teach and practice with others only what worked for me, in me and what served the evolution of who I am becoming.
Why am I doing this? Because technology, culture and identity are undergoing a revolution during these times and ''Teal organisations'' and ''New Work'' are becoming quite the hype. But despite the wave of enthusiasm and the few jaw dropping success stories lighting the way, many individuals and organizations are struggling to make the transition and mass adoption is slow.
It is not surprising considering what a monumental shift needs to happen, almost simultaneously, in such sociopolitical Taboos as: power, money, responsibility, belonging, conflict, value, ownership, community, well being, relationship to the environment and security. The struggle becomes real as groups underestimate the depth of change needed and decide to ''go teal'' without being able to use and most often not even knowing about proven tools and pathways. It is as dangerous as watching a Bruce Lee movie and then going out on the dark streets looking for bad guys!
Enabling this natural evolution is what I love to do and what fascinates me the most, it is what gives me hope in humanity and where I am investing myself towards multiplying my own happiness capital by getting others to master it themselves!
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© 2021